Management of Change

What is MOC?

Change is a part of every organization. In a facility where hazards are present, personnel must be prepared for changes in order to maintain conditions that are safe.

The Management of Change (MOC) process uses a systematic approach to implement and integrate changes into an organization, whether those changes involve new equipment, new processes, new technology, or new personnel.

SafetyAnywhere™’s Management of Change Software

SafetyAnywhere’s cloud-based EHS software solution includes a complete Management of Change module that allows you to streamline, automate, and standardize operational, equipment, and organizational changes.

Our MOC module thoroughly documents each step of the change process, and notes critical workflow components including information gathered, risks evaluated, discussion points, proposed and approved changes, inspections, while simultaneously collaborating with your team and much more.

You can buy the MOC module alone or as part of the complete SafetyAnywhere product suite.  View a demo of SafetyAnywhere or contact us for more information.

Young engineer working with laptop and blueprints in front of factory

The Change Management Workflow

Take a look at a sample MOC Workflow in SafetyAnywhere:

Approval - One or more approvers must approve the MOC.  These individuals can be named within SafetyAnywhere or they can be specified by their job title.   Approvals can take place simultaneously or sequentially.

Implementation & Notification - This step generates a set of custom implementation tasks, via custom electronic forms, that are assigned either to individuals or to certain job titles.

Startup - When all critical implementation tasks are complete, The implementation manager of the MOC can start up the change.

Completion - The MOC is marked as completed.  Digital records are maintained on all completed MOCs as well as those that are cancelled or disapproved.

See SafetyAnywhere™ in action!

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